CA LGMA Test and Learn Programs

The LGMA Romaine Test & Learn module, powered by the GreenLink® data-sharing platform, has been designed to house LGMA testing data and allow for easy data analysis.  GreenLink® is a powerful platform designed to contain numerous program modules, allowing for multiple data-sharing programs to exist independently. LMGA’s Romaine Test & Learn module, one of two program modules powered by GreenLink®, is open to LGMA Test & Learn users and provides the ability to upload data for romaine in a format consistent with the LGMA’s approved design and displayed in aggregate with an LGMA-approved dashboard for optimized analysis.

The Food Safety Data Sharing (FSDS) module is the second powered and housed on GreenLink® and is a broader data sharing program for the leafy green industry. LGMA Test & Learn users can elect to choose the FSDS module in addition to the LGMA Test & Learn module. The FSDS module offers additional data collection opportunities for other products and variables that may be of interest to your operations. If you’re participating in the FSDS program, you can automate submission of data to both modules upon your authorization, which will eliminate the need to update each module separately.

For questions, please contact Joelle Mosso at [email protected].


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